About us
Traditional company with up-to-date shape with continuity since 1926
every year
in the Czech Republic
and Slovakia
of the company
Comprehensive geotechnical and engineering geological services with professional expertise since 1926
We focus on consulting, project management, supervision, site investigation and testing for engineering projects, particularly in geotechnical engineering, underground structures and environmental projects. The uniqueness and strength of our services lies in the combination of knowledge and experience gained from over 90 years on the Czech market and knowledge of modern European approaches to design and management of demanding engineering projects. Our company has comprehensive in-house resources for both laboratory and field geotechnical texting as well as for geotechnical monitoring of structures. Our professional know-how and the results of our own applied research oblige us to maintain and further improve the state-of-the-art, high-quality services offered to our clients and to continually invest in cutting-edge equipment used to deliver our projects.
Our clients´ success comes first
Our teams have various specializations which allows us to enter any phase of a project. We have an extensive local network in close contact with customers and professional know-how linked to internationally acknowledged skills. Direct contact with the client leads to correct understanding of the issue and requirements at a given site. Our services buttressed by our own research and development provide the best solutions resulting in successful projects. SG Geotechnika is an independent consulting company which is not linked through capital or otherwise to investors or large construction companies. We greatly appreciate our cooperation with major state-owned investor organizations managing the national transport infrastructure as well as with other prominent investors – various large companies, banks, developers and other entities from both the public and private sector. We are delighted at the opportunity to help them achieve their goals.
We operate throughout the Czech Republic and in Slovakia
We also provide comprehensive geotechnical and engineering geological services in Slovakia through our company GEOFOS.
We provide geotechnical and engineering geological solutions, including monitoring of underground structures and geotechnical risks analysis, both in the Czech Republic and around the world

Our clients benefit from our innovative and independent solutions
Safe and environmentally-friendly project management with outstanding quality
Occupational health and safety (OHS) of SG Geotechnika staff and clients is an integral part of all our activities. Our consistent management of safety risks focuses on the prevention of and protection against injuries. SG Geotechnika as well as its subsidiaries are certified to ČSN ISO 45001
SG Geotechnika is based on the principle of providing the highest quality services to its clients. The quality management systems of SG Geotechnika and its subsidiary GEOFOS are certified under the ČSN ISO 9001 as well as the Geomechanics Laboratory and Fields Tests is certified under the Certificate of Accreditation
We are aware of our responsibility for the long-term sustainability of the environment and for its protection. All our activities are designed to have the least possible impact on the environment. Our environmental focus is established by the means of our environment management system (EMS) according to ČSN EN ISO 14001
We continuously develop geotechnical engineering and the quality of our services, we cooperate with leading universities in Czech Republic and abroad and educate the young generation of experts
our know-how and professional expertise by membership in the Czech Road Society, Czech Tunneling Association, Czech Infrastructure Association, Association for the Use of Coal Combustion Products, Road Transport Development Society, Czech BIM Council, Czech Dam Committee, Czech Association of Consulting Engineers, Association of Research Organizations, or Czech and Slovak Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.
We cooperate with prestigious universities and educate the future generation of engineering geologists and geotechnical engineers who gain valuable experience via internships or employment relationships under supervision of highly appreciated senior colleagues. We encourage students to write their theses providing them with case studies and capacity of the largest accredited soil and rock laboratory in the Czech Republic.
We traditionally develop the field of construction and environmental geotechnics using applied research and cutting-edge scientific knowledge. We cooperate on research and development projects with Faculty of Science at Charles University, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Technical University of Ostrava, Technical University of Liberec, and Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
We apply the potential of the BIM methodology in terms of Czech civil engineering development
The Building Information Modeling (BIM) methodology has been emphasized in the civil engineering in the past few years. The methodology implies through a single digital model a new way of sharing information in all phases of projects from the design phase through its construction, use and maintenance. Declared effort to implement the BIM methodology as the evolution of project management is presented in approved Concept of Implementation of the BIM Method in the Czech Republic.
What does the BIM methodology mean for us?
to be faster, more efficient, more complex and more progressive
to take active approach to make the BIM methodology functional
of degradation of the effort caused by imperfection and misunderstanding in the process of building a functional system

We are aware of the importance of the BIM in terms of Czech civil engineering development. The BIM methodology helps us easily to share information from a single 3D model achieving a more efficient and collaborative workflow. Inherent responsibilities of each participant in development is essential to the smooth running of the project.
Simply said – understand BIM, which is our goal.